Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Aliens Versus Predator Requiem - Movie Review

Here it goes, my first entry into my blog. The time is 1:28 AM and we just got home from watching Alien versus Predator Requiem at the new Kendall 16 Regal Theatre. First of all, it was my first visit to this movie theatre and I have to say that its not too shabby. They are very organized when it comes to new releases and the crowd is not your typical "Sunset Place" crowd if you know what I mean. Well enough about the theatre and time to get to the purpose behind this blog entry tonight.

When I first heard about this sequel, I had high hopes since they first movie was great. But I should have recognized the signs from the beginning. The first sign that this was going to end up like most sequels, "Scream 2", "Scary Movie 2", "Hostel 2", all movies that paled in comparison to their predecessors. This sequel would not only have a new director but they would have two new directors that only have only done two actual full length movies and a music video. (Information taken from IMDB.) The Brothers Strauss, even though have lots of experience in the visual effects departments but as I mentioned little experience in actually directing a movie.

I will do my best to give a spoiler free review.

The movie picks up exactly where the first movie ended with the baby Alien coming out of the dead Predator as his comrades were taking him back to the motherland. As noted in the previews the Aliedator as I call it, causes lots of mayhem and the Predator's ship ends up crashing near a small Colorado town. Overall the movie is slow paced with little bits of action here and there so that you don't fall asleep. The directors spend time giving you some background on the main characters so you can somewhat feel something for them when each of them is confronted by either an Alien, Predator, or Aliedator and meet their untimely death. The movie was very dark and I don't mean in a spiritual, religious, or wow I am going to cut veins dark. I mean the movie is just dark as in the absence of light. This would prove to be a fatal mistake since it was hard to make out who was fighting and what was actually occurring during a fight between the different alien species. Now I understand most of the fight scenes took place in sewers and at night, but hey the first movie took place in an underground temple in Antarctica and we got plenty of light to be able to enjoy the fight scenes that took place between Aliens and Predators. I won't lie to you. There are some decent fight scenes and the deaths that occurs to the humans caught in the middle are nasty. On that note this movie does not discriminate about who dies, men, women, children, pregnant women, sluts, and yes even Stoners bite the dust in this movie.

Some good aspects to the movie. The visual effects were great and even though there was an absence of light when you could make it out what was happening during the end of the fight, so the payoff was good. We get to see the Predator's home world for a brief moment which has purpose as I believe it is tied to the open ending of this movie. Yes, they do leave the movie open for a third installment and if the sequel makes enough money Fox will most likely give the go ahead to make the next movie. We can keep our fingers crossed that Mr. Anderson will decide to shoot this installment and we can all forget about AVP-R.

Here are my answers to the three basic questions that everyone usually asks after you see a movie:

1. Did you enjoy the movie?

Yes, I did somewhat enjoy the movie. It did not live up to my expectations but it was not the worst movie I have seen. Go rent a little movie called "The Core" that was made back in 2003 and get back to me. Also, the crowd in the theatre was pumped and did make the movie more enjoyable with their oohs and ahhhs.

2. Would you see it again?

No, this movie would not get a second viewing from me. I will purchase it on DVD when it comes out only to complete my collection.

3. Would you recommend other people seeing it?

Yes and No. Yes, if you have not seen the first movie and therefore have no expectations. No, if you have seen the first movie and do not want to ruin the enjoyment you received from watching the first movie.

Well that is it for my review, on AVP-R. Come back next week when I review the sequel to National Treasure which so far has gotten great reviews and as the same cast, producers and same director from its predecessor.

Take Care and Happy Holidays from Alex not Alexander.

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